Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bridge Deck

It's gone. The culvert that is. Now Sequim Bay and its associated fish have full access to this gem of a salt marsh! Located a little over 3 miles from the mouth of Jimmy Come Lately Creek we'd expect alot of juvenile summer chum to be moving along this shoreline starting in February, and we hope they'll enjoy the access to the saltmarsh. Now we need to get folks access to their road, so in goes the bridge. A last look at the estuary mouth before it gets hidden under the bridge. The flow you see here is typical year round at the site. It's low tide in this shot, so the saltwater has drained from the marsh and the water in the channel is moslty groundwater exiting from area springs. The bridge arrives on 5 semi-trucks in sections called girders. They're like giant leggos...much of the cement work has been like leggo land come to think of it.

The resident ducks didn't mind the commotion. Watch your toes!

As usual for this project we began loosing daylight and finished in the dark.

Tadumm! It's just that easy, the bridge is set.

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